Published on 4th January 2024

Author: jessica

Why learning technology expenditure shouldn’t be seen as a cost

All too often, budgets get in the way of progress. Organisations catch sight of the word innovation, only to assume it comes with a hefty investment package.

This dynamic plagues the professional accreditations market – mature companies with well-established processes are naturally reluctant to rip out their existing system for something new and potentially costly.

It’s human nature. Change can be daunting and for many organisations, an “if it ain’t broke” mentality shines through. However, progress is rarely, if ever, achieved by standing still.

Changing the course of corporate learning

Today, it is imperative that enterprises and their employees continue to learn, be curious and embrace innovation. According to the World Economic Forum, about half of all workers currently in employment will need to be reskilled by 2025.

Of course, that can only be achieved through effective training programmes. Yet this is an area that presents several challenges, with the vast majority of learners failing to complete professional certifications. According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for example, online courses from the preceding five years experienced an extremely concerning average dropout rate of 96%.

There are several reasons for these alarming figures. Today, the vast majority of training programmes do not cater to the needs of each learner, instead taking a linear, one-size-fits-all approach to courses. As a result, many create and deliver content that simply isn’t useful.

By failing to provide individualised training, programmes often rehash information that people already possess. This wastes time, reduces enthusiasm towards the learning process, and ultimately results in courses being deemed irrelevant, leading to their lack of completion.

The knock-on effects for businesses can be significant. If employees don’t complete upskilling and reskilling programmes, not only are investments wasted, but career development can also be hampered, leaving firms at a disadvantage in the battle for talent.

With existing models failing to get learners over the line, a new approach is needed. But how exactly can courses be optimised for the individual, ensuring that dropout rates are lowered and returns on investment in training programmes increased?

Critically, organisations should look to tap into the benefits of technology.

Overcoming fears of investment

New digital solutions, such as OBRIZUM, harness artificial intelligence to create hyper-personalised adaptive learning experiences that are able to consider and adapt to an individual’s prior knowledge and confidence. In doing so, they can deliver more relevant and engaging course content than traditional linear training programmes, driving increased completion rates and returns on investment for businesses.

Not only that, but adaptive learning platforms can also be used to provide an understanding of the skill level of workforces across business-critical areas, highlighting key knowledge gaps and areas for improvement.

With the success of increasingly pressing reskilling initiatives reliant on delivery of relevant content for learners, embracing AI-driven platforms is vital. And the return on investment is more than enough to warrant starting those conversations.

For more on the importance of investing in the right training programmes, speak to our team today.