Published on 27th November 2023

Author: jessica

Accreditations may be standardised but learning is not

Corporate training is critical in empowering professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their careers. Its value continues to skyrocket, as shown in a report released earlier this year which forecasts the total market value at $587 billion by 2030 – nearly a $300 billion increase from the market value in 2022.

However, despite this predicted growth, corporate training is still a long way off from meeting the true market requirements. In truth, the issue lies in the very foundations of learning upon which thousands of training programs are built.

Industry certifications are the blueprints for professional progression. They are recognised standards that demonstrate an individual’s competency across different areas of their industry. However, just because all learners leave the course with the same accreditation, does not mean they will all reach that outcome in the same way.

In short, accreditations are standardised, but learning is not.

The traditional linear approach to digital training ultimately fails to address the unique learning needs of individuals, resulting in wasted time, money, and increased dropout rates. As thousands of people continue to complete industry accreditations each year, training providers must leave the one-size-fits-all approach behind if they’re to truly meet the needs of their learners.

Out with the standardised

The old-fashioned linear digital learning model involves learners going through a predetermined course in a step-by-step manner, irrespective of their existing knowledge or learning pace. This rigid approach overlooks the individuality of candidates and their distinct approaches to learning. Consequently, learners end up wasting hours covering the same ground, leading to frustration and reduced engagement.

This inadequacy means learners often face difficulties in grasping certain concepts or feel over or underwhelmed with the pace of the course. This often results in high dropout rates, which can significantly impact the perceptions of the training and the brand offering it.

In with the adaptive…

What all this means is that training providers need a new approach – an adaptive one.

Thanks to the power of automated technology, providers can cater to individual learners’ needs and preferences, ensuring a more efficient learning experience.

With adaptive learning, learners embark on hyper-personalised learning journeys. Instead of following a linear path, learners are placed in the driver’s seat, enabling them to take detours, reinforce their knowledge, or explore more challenging concepts based on their decisions. This approach significantly improves course engagement rates as learners feel more in control of their learning experience.

By asking learners to rate their existing knowledge, the technology helps individuals identify their competence in various subjects and their readiness for the upcoming exam. By understanding their strengths and weaknesses, learners can focus on the areas that need improvement, leading to a more effective learning process.

Current methods also neglect to address one of the key elements of learning: confidence. It’s one thing to get the answers right or wrong, but what about how the learner feels about their responses? Tracking confidence levels helps personalise the course even further; if an individual answers a question correctly but reports low confidence levels, they clearly need additional support on that particular topic.

As the demand for efficient and effective training grows, adaptive learning is set to revolutionise the way professionals acquire knowledge and skills in their respective industries. If you want to secure your position in this fast-growing market, it’s time to go adaptive.