Pioneering Technology That’s Built For Your Business

Our AI-powered platform transforms training content into multi-dimensional learning ecosystems that adapt to the exact needs of businesses, teams, and individuals. We enable you to design unique digital learning paths tailored to user knowledge gaps, behaviors, and ways of learning. Track progress with our reporting tool, built to deliver insight and showcase value at every step of the way.

Course curation

Build courses up to 10 times faster

Break free from traditional course-building tools. Empower subject matter experts, instructors, and course designers to streamline the learning process and drastically reduce curation times. Seamlessly upload various media formats and harness our AI-driven automation engine to create Obrizum Knowledge Spaces. Our explainable AI ensures transparency, providing clear insights into how content is analyzed and organized.

Rapidly uncover and measure key concepts within your existing content, aligning course curation with your learning objectives. Focus on refining and enhancing insights to continually improve outcomes, boost productivity, save time, and drive revenue growth, all while reducing risks and achieving operational efficiencies.

Knowledge Spaces

AI-powered content analysis

Obrizum Knowledge Spaces are high-dimensional, fully contained learning environments that automatically understand and contextualize your custom learning content. Leveraging our proprietary AI, your content is meticulously analyzed and organized into clusters tailored to your specific learning objectives. Effortlessly craft and evaluate adaptive learning journeys, ensuring ongoing relevance and efficacy for your learners.

Obrizum empowers you to maximize the potential of the unique content that defines your company, maintaining the highest standards of adaptive learning and ensuring your educational content remains impactful and aligned with your goals.

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True adaptive

Learn up to 5 times faster without compromising on quality

With Obrizum, you can deliver hyper-personalized learning journeys where content is specifically tailored to address individual knowledge gaps—ensuring heightened engagement and effective learning. Our AI-powered platform transcends traditional linear learning structures by dynamically adapting to each learner’s needs in real-time. This precision-personalized approach utilizes real-time diagnostic analytics to assess strengths and weaknesses, providing immediate, contextually relevant insights that help learners build confidence and achieve a deep understanding.

Obrizum's adaptive learning technology not only accelerates learning outcomes but also provides comprehensive data to demonstrate the return on investment (ROI) from learning initiatives.


Measure competence and confidence

Discover our patented assessment approach, offering unmatched precision in measuring comprehension. Our method captures intricate details, including accuracy and confidence levels, to provide a thorough understanding of your knowledge gaps and self-awareness.

Metacognition, or "thinking about thinking," involves self-awareness and regulation of cognitive processes. Backed by extensive research, metacognitive practices enhance learning outcomes. Obrizum is the first to combine metacognitive decision-making with AI, revolutionizing personalized learning.

Our metacognitive assessments eliminate guesswork and help prevent cheating, ensuring thorough and honest evaluations. Experience the integrity of our assessments, setting a new standard for rigorously evaluating proficiency.

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Analytics and

Demonstrate the ROI from learning investments

For decades, both the education sector and enterprises have faced challenges with inadequate data quality and analytics. Traditional indicators such as pass, fail, and progress are no longer sufficient in today's data-driven landscape. It is essential to align learning outcomes with broader institutional and business goals, including revenue generation, cost-efficiency, and risk mitigation.

Our AI-powered platform provides unparalleled data and insights, accelerating learning outcomes and evaluating effectiveness in alignment with your institution's or enterprise's most critical objectives.

Virtual assistant

Surface the most relevant content in real time

Enable a growth mindset within your organization through continuous learning opportunities and rapid access to mission-critical information and training. Enhance employee effectiveness, reduce the forgetting curve, and ensure maximum educational impact.

Our Virtual Assistant acts as an intelligent companion, empowering employees to search trusted content assets, access fully referenced AI-generated answers, explanations, and summaries grounded in your trusted internal content, and swiftly refresh their knowledge—immediately impacting their ability to understand and confidently perform. Help instill a culture of growth, enabling employees to rapidly access the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their roles and transform their careers.

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